Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Food Hygiene & Sanitation Essay Example for Free

Food Hygiene Sanitation Essay Only without oxygen at an ideal temperature 43? C c. Only with oxygen at an ideal temperature of 43? C d. Only without oxygen at an ideal temperature of 39? C 7. Which of the following groups of hazards are most likely to cause a foodborne disease outbreak? a. Bacteria and viruses b. Parasites and molds c. Vibrio spp. and Shigella spp. d. Chemical and physical hazards 8. Bacteria grow best within a narrow temperature range called the temperature danger zone. The temperature danger zone is between: a. -18? C and 104? C b. -8? C and 65? C c. 5? C and 60? C d. 5? C and 100? C . Bacteria that cause foodborne illness will only grow on foods that have pH at _____ or above and a water activity (AW) above____. a. 3. 2; 0. 85 b. 4. 6; 0. 85 c. 6. 5; 0. 80 d. 8. 0; 0. 75 10. Which of the following bacteria produce a toxin that is more likely to cause death if consumed? a. Campylobacter jejuni b. Clostridium botulinum c. Shiga-toxin producing Escheria coli d. Listeria monocytogenes 11. Some bacteria form spores to help them: a. Reproduce b. Move easily from one location to another c. Survive adverse environmental conditions d. Grow in high acidic foods 12. Which of the following is a histamine poisoning? a. Ciguatoxin b. Scombrotoxin c. Mycotoxin d. Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP) 13. Which of the following is not considered a potentially hazardous food group? a. Red meats b. Fish and shellfish c. Poultry and eggs d. Dried grains and spices 14. The most effective way to control the growth of bacteria in a food establishment is by controlling: a. Time and temperature b. pH and oxygen conditions c. Temperature and water activity d. Time and food availability 15. Food borne illness can caused by: a. Poor personal hygiene b. Cross contamination c. Temperature abuse d. All the above 16. Regarding food thermometers, which statement is false? a. Be calibrated b. Measure temperatures between 5? C and 57? C c. Measure temperatures between -18? C and 104? C d. Be approved for use in foods 17. Good personal hygiene includes a. Using hand sanitizers instead of washing hand b. Keeping hands and clothes clean and sanitary c. Wearing attractive uniforms d. Cleaning and sanitizing food-contact surfaces 18. Cross contamination is a term used to describe the transfer of a foodborne hazard from 1 food to another: a. By a food worker’s hand b. From a cutting board c. From a knife blade d. All of the above 19. After proper cooking, all foods that are to be held hot must be held at: a. 74? C or above b. 57? C or above c. Room temperature until served d. 49? C or above 20. Food workers should wash their hands after which of the following? a. Taking out the trash b. Touching their faces c. Handling raw food d. All of the above Section B (10 marks) Answer either True/ False. 1. The Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point System is only used to monitor food processing in manufacturing plants. () 2. Certification of food protection managers and workers refers to screening done for health problems. () 3. The term food establishment includes any site where food is processed, prepared, sold or served. () 4. Bacteria and viruses cause most foodborne illness. () 5. One of the potentially hazardous food is cut melons. () 6. There are two types of bacteria that are spore forming and non-spore forming. () 7. Clostridium botulinum cannot cause death. () 8. E. Coli can be found in the intestines of warm-blooded animals. () 9. Prevention of cross contamination can be done by keeping raw food and ready-to-eat food together during storage. ) 10. Bacteria take 25 minutes to multiply. () Section C (20 marks) Briefly explain on each answer. 1.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Grunge Culture Essay -- Cultural Skater Grungy Essays

Grunge Culture Skaters. They are the typical representation of the grunge culture of the ‘90s. Extremely wide pants, pockets that go to the back of their knees, extravagant piercings, intricate tattoos, and twenty-fourth century hair dos are just part of the looks that these so called â€Å"grungy people† are made of. Or at least they were when the grunge phenomenon started. With the death of Kurt Cobain, lead singer of Nirvana, the grunge movement seems to have slowed down and even—as some say—disappeared from the main stream pop culture. As we all know, those commercial creations often come and go without us even noticing them. But grunge, I think, has moved to a different direction, one that can trick us into thinking it is gone. Grunge is still among our youngsters, and that is for sure; it is just not as noticeable as is used to be. But, what is exactly grunge and what direction is it taking? First, let us define what grunge is and where it comes from. Grunge as defined by web encyclopedia alt.culture is the cumulative influences of punk and ‘70s heavy metal (plus rain, coffee, cheap, potent beer, and occasionally heroin), a cohort of Seattle bands developed a soulful hard rock variant that was instrumental to alternative music’s early-‘90s move underground (altculture. com). Among the bands included in the definition Nirvana would be mainly the one that made this phenomenon popular. Released in 1991, Nevermind—a record by an obscure band working in a genre considered as hopelessly uncommercial—launched the grunge phenomenon and marked an era of unprecedented exposure for alternative acts. Then other bands like Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots, Soundgarden, Candlebox followed the trail that Nirvana started in the grunge w... ...congregations of grunge believers. This is where the most amateur alternative bands debut and discover their little local fame. Obviously, most of them don’t make it to the top. Our society is still very commercially oriented and the grunge phenomenon is not as large as to promote all but very few bands to be the representatives of the movement. So, go ahead; open your eyes and discover that grunge is not gone as it seems, it is still among us. Even though it may be wearing new costumes or listening to a different style of music, it is still the same. It is that counter-current movement that kids of new generations want to embrace as their liberty flag. It is that non-conformist dilemma, the spark that lights the fire of those who believe that mainstream society is not the only one. Grunge is still around, maybe not as popular as before, but stronger than ever.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Bendigo Bank Head Office

In a close outlook, one would perhaps be attracted by the attractive nature of the Bending Bank Head Office. The building is in a potential and attractive architectural design with various environmental friendly features. Its feature is perhaps a potential tool that promotes the facets of going green to protecting the environment. What specific feature can be ascribed to this building? Are they potential tools towards protecting the environment? However, these questions are adequately answered by the physique of the building. The architectural design is provided to be environmental friendly.(http://www. plugger. com. au/view/1847308/) The building is smartly located in first 5 Green star building, which is one of the Australian cities. By its physical outlook, the bank’s main building comprises of six storeys, the ground, four office floors and a car park. The floors assigned for the office has a leasable area which is approximated as been 13577 square meters. This building is architecturally linked to the former building for the bank’s Head office which therefore provides office space specification of around 16000 square meters. (http://www.plugger. com. au/view/1847308/) The architectural component of the building comprises of various ESD features that have come as an innovation to improve the potential relationship between the building and the environment. The features are many and provide a very attractive image of the building. These includes an under floor system of air conditioning, both gray and black system of water recycling, external systems of sun shades which are build on the western and northern sides of the building and internal blinds that are uniquely automated.Elsewhere, the building has windows of a double glazed capacity that provide deep sect of lighting within its framework. It has a light dimming compensation system for the daylight, which is made of a unique architectural perimeter zone. (http://www. plugger. com. au/view/1 847308/) A system of collecting rainwater is evident which creates saving of water for use in various processes within the building. It has an attractive package of workstations and carpets as well as low paint emission that permit collective cleanliness and attractiveness in the building.A package of water heating system of solar energy provides a tool for energy saving within the building. Uniquely, it has an atria of two full length of height that are used in ensuring that the staff are placed within a domain of 8 metres in reach of the natural light. (http://www. bendigobank. com. au/public/Community/index. asp) The complimentary physical characteristics are perhaps an important tool that guides towards sustainable and environmental friendly situation. Firstly, the nature of the building is specially structured in making a reduction in power use by 50%.This is an important aspect in the campaign of going green towards saving the environment. Either, it has a potentially high qua lity in internal environment, which is provided by more light penetration and the substance of fresh air within its space. Its architectural design is specifically made to improve the productivity of its staff through high standard working conditions. It has features aimed at both waste and water recycling to keep the environment clean. The material used for its coating and furnishing are of high environmental friendly standards permitting reasonable condition.It has been rated as a 5 Green star building due to its high architectural environment. (Karlson, Michael, 2005, 98) Generally, Bendigo Bank is focused on the community and the general environment. The development of its new office was to capture the ideal essence of the reflection that it has towards the environment and general high conditions for work by its staff. To meet this challenge, it has a compound of high quality and a location that is friendly to its staff in terms of the environment. It has ensured high quality in door air condition and saving structures for water and energy.Achieving this goal was contributed by its choice of excellent builder and architects, which worked together with the bank’s administration as a team. (Gray, Geoffrey, 2001, 66) Work cited Bendigo Bank’s 5 Star Green Building In Regional Australia Retrieved on 8th May 2008 from http://www. plugger. com. au/view/1847308/ Bendigo Bank. Retrieved on 8th May 2008 from http://www. bendigobank. com. au/public/Community/index. asp Karlson, H & Michael, H. The Natural Advantage of Nature. Earthscan, 2005, pp. 66 Gray, I & Geoffrey, L. A Future for Regional Australia: Escaping Global, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2001, pp. 98

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Globalization In The Fashion Industry Essay - 1558 Words

The 21st century saw a rising alarm about the intricate relationships between people, places and commodities and it is crucial to discuss the framework of commodity chains in order to study the gaps in the connection between consumers and producers. The globalization of the fashion industry is mainly driven by international retailers (Gereffi, Humphrey Sturgeon, 2005: 79) and extends to every part of the world, leaving the Global South to suffer for the needs of the people of the North. These companies ignite globalization and majorly contribute to the increase in manufacturing jobs from the West. As pioneers of fast fashion, many major companies have a variety of ways in which they source across the globe. Firstly, since the†¦show more content†¦This sets up the idea of fragmentation of production where these variations are exploited by capitalist firms to further their pursuit of profit (Daniels, 2015: 327). Furthermore, the World Trade Organization (WTO) released a statistical review analysing the US Dollar value of apparel, which equalled $445 billion in 2015, and even moreso in 2016. As seen in the figure above, China holds the largest percentage share in world exports with an approximation of 37% in 2016. It is then followed by the European Union (EU). The USA, although being one of the most market-dominant countries in the world and the third biggest exporter, shows a decline from 1980-2016 accounting to being under 5% of the world’s share in exports. This further exemplifies how reliant the US became on countries in the Global South to produce their clothing goods. Contrastingly, the value of imports in millions ($US) was dominated by the EU, who had 175 million dollars’ worth of the value in 2016 (see below). The USA had $90 million dollars’ worth due to its clothing conglomerates being based there, and with consumers’ purchasing power, it was of the to p importers of clothing. There is also a rise of NICs as exporters and a rapid growth in imports from Asia. This is due to a change in consumption habits, influenced by the idea of ‘fast fashion’. The idea of ‘Here Today, Gone Tomorrow’Show MoreRelatedWhy Does Fashion Change Essay751 Words   |  4 PagesWhy does fashion change? Human beings have been using clothes throughout history; however as we notice today garments that were worn in the past are not the same that are being worn today. In this essay I will develop the question ‘Why does fashion change?’ and if such changes are due to fashion as such or if there is any external influences such as marketing and media. Every change in society, including differences between cultures and living styles is reflected in the way people dress andRead MoreCultural Globalization: The Emergence of the Americanized World 685 Words   |  3 PagesAnnan once said, â€Å"Arguing against globalization is like arguing against the laws of gravity†. 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